Wednesday, October 6, 2010 – The personal blog of Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » Power of 10 Interface


    tags: learning ideas acceleration ux interface hci

    • Next-Generation Learning

      As most good journalists and storytellers have learned, the basic components of every story deals with six elements – who, what, when, where, why, and how.

    • Schools will no longer focus on the factual information but on the indirect aspects like relational elements, pattern analysis, value statements, opinions, and basic questions like “why” and “how.”
      • Here are some examples of questions that are not easily answered with a 10-second interface:

        • Explain the context within which those comments were made?
        • How do animal behaviors vary from species to species?
        • Was their underlying motivation behind that change detrimental to their cause?
        • How did that kind of thinking relate to what other cultures were going through?
        • Why do you think that happened?
        • Based on your understanding of the situation, was that a good move?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


With thanks to Debra Kay Logan and Wikiquote:
I don't mind your thinking slowly; I mind your publishing faster than you think.

-Wolfgang Pauli, as quoted in The Harvest of a Quiet Eye : A Selection of Scientific Quotations (1977) by Alan Lindsay Mackay, p. 117.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on (2006)

Have you seen Sir Ken Robinson's 2006 talk? Here's the About text for the 2010 sequel: "In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning -- creating conditions where kids' natural talents can flourish."

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on (2010), in a way,dislocates very many people from their natural talents. And human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep. You have to go looking for them. They're not just lying around on the surface. You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves. And you might imagine education would be the way that happens. But too often, it's not.... One of the real challenges is to innovate fundamentally in education. Innovation is hard because it means doing something that people don't find very easy for the most part. It means challenging what we take for granted, things that we think are obvious. The great problem for reform or transformation is the tyranny of common sense -- things that people think, "Well, it can't be done any other way because that's the way it's done." ... We have to recognize that human flourishing is not a mechanical process, it's an organic process. And you cannot predict the outcome of human development; all you can do, like a farmer, is create the conditions under which they will begin to flourish.... every day, everywhere, our children spread their dreams beneath our feet. And we should tread softly.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Resource List for Educators: Global Perspectives in Cultural Diversity

In a course with Dr. Mary-Lou Breitborde this week I was immersed in topics of diversity in education. I had no idea the field was so rich! We used the text and outside readings, exercises, films, lectures and discussions, to gain "an appreciation of the increasing diversity of school children and the imporantace of a global perspective on culture and education." The course included "an analysis of the effect of culture and language on learning and behavior, strategies to teach social and communicaiton skills, and curriculum links to global concerns."

I created an annotated bibliography of some of our source materials and related resources using Diigo, which was chosen by AASL as a Best Web site for Teaching and Learning. My Diigo user name is MsPorterAtFHS KathleenPorter, and the resource list is shared at [updated link] It represents a small subset of seminal and current thought. Like culture itself, I'd like the list to be a dynamic, creative, ever-changing process. Please comment here, use a Diigo group like Diversity in Education, or put Diigo sticky notes on the list items. Together we can become more effective in our interdependent, culturally pluralistic world.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Top 10 Technology Tips for Educators, Revisited

In January I created a list for a first-week assignment in my course in emerging technologies for libraries. On the Classroom 2.0 Ning two years earlier Kate Olson had posted a query: "what do ... teachers need to know in order to teach effectively in today's technology environment?" [Google doc "transcript" of replies here.] As in the CR2.0 post, my hypothetical intended audience was teachers, for professional development. The list follows, with my current commentary in red:
  1. Computers and other technology are only tools. What matters is the educational relationship, the quality of critical thinking, the support of creativity, the respect for the learner. People run schools using sticks to draw in the dirt. If the tool is failing or the site is blocked, keep breathing and move on. This advice of mine was useful to me this semester -- not only due to technical snags but also whenever it seemed we wouldn't meet our educational objectives in the allotted time. Much of teaching seems to be skillfully adapting to changing conditions.
  2. Following from #1, and as stated in earlier comments to the posting: don’t let the tail wag the dog. Start with objectives for what students will Know, Understand, and be able to Do after a lesson, then ask if technology will help and if so what sort. I expect this process will take years to master, especially as the technology tools keep changing.
  3. Wikis are fun ways to build sites quickly and allow students to contribute. Two good sites for free educational wikis are Wikispaces and PBWorks (formerly PBwiki – because they’re as easy to build as Peanut Butter & jelly sandwiches). “Wiki” from the Hawaiian word for “fast”, as in “Wikipedia” for the quickly-built and quickly-updated encyclopedia. I had good experiences this semester with wider contributions to our library wiki, and a growing content base.
  4. Wikipedia itself is not evil. High school students, for example, need to learn to critically evaluate sources and be accountable for the accuracy of their research. Of course, we don’t want them to rely on Wikpedia as their only reference, but there’s nothing wrong with including it as they learn about a topic. More and more educators seem to be understanding and teaching new concepts of authorship and source-checking, rather than just banning Wikipedia as a source.
  5. Microblogging is another safe way for teachers to get our toes wet. Twitter is exceptional for building our own professional learning networks; Edmodo allows for private microblogging between teacher and students. Although I have come to value Twitter as a resource even more, I have not been using Edmodo and I have become concerned about
  6. A key learning objective to convey is the ability and habit of cross-checking factual data. For example, we can assign topics like the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus or the Rock Nest Monster to challenge students’ assumptions about the validity of online information. I am looking forward to implementing these lessons.
  7. Other ways to develop one’s Professional Learning Network: Nings like Classroom 2.0, UDL4All (Universal Design for Learning), other professional Nings or listservs tied to one’s discipline. Twitter-follow teachers whose work you admire, or friend them on Facebook. Facebook privacy settings now allow a finer level of control than when it started. The new cost structure on Ning may require updating this list. Technology Integration in Education, for example, has already moved to
  8. Try using streaming media to replace DVDs or VHS tapes. Use our Discovery Education subscription, or try Teachers Domain for additional free content aligned to the curriculum frameworks. This is no harder than showing a YouTube video. This may be a little harder than showing a YouTube video, because it requires a log-in. I've since attended some Discovery Education webinars, plan to attend a day-long training next weekend, and expect to be certified as a DEN STAR shortly. I believe DVDs will eventually go the way of the CD and we need to do a better job cataloging streaming media options. 
  9. A blog can be a simple way to update students and parents on upcoming work and themes for a week, module or term. Some educational blog sites can be accessed through school filters, including the ones provided with our TeacherWeb subscriptions. I discovered a simple renaming made my blog accessible to students, and that blogging was much easier than I expected. This may be one of my biggest take-aways from the course.
  10. If students are going to be asked to access particular sites or tools, make sure they work through our filters with student-level privileges in advance of the lesson. It’s also handy to have printed-out resources in case of last-minute network failures. Yes. I learned this the hard way and it's still true. 
Although the original content of my list stands, I find that I read the text differently with a semester of experience passed -- another semester as teacher and learner both.

    Thursday, May 6, 2010

    The Neandertal Genome

    The Neandertal Genome
    Breaking news from the AAAS -- special feature available online or in the print edition of Science tomorrow!

    Tuesday, May 4, 2010

    ILS and OPAC research

    My class homework for LBS 850 this week serendipitously aligned with questions around my school district about library automation systems and discovery interfaces. I collected many new links as I did my research, organizing them in my Delicious account with tags like ils and library and library2.0. I found that I gained new confidence in my library network's choice for a new discovery interface, and resolved to learn it as soon as possible, with a goal of Beta-testing over the summer. As I will also be piloting a new web-design interface with my school district, it will be a good time to look at how we can integrate the social aspects of SOPAC 2 with a learning commons website and our existing wikis. We'll be collaborating left and right to share our resources within our learning community and beyond, and it was a great time to consider cost reductions and examine the state of the art.

    Sunday, April 25, 2010

    "Collect the World"

    I've been listening again lately to one of my favorite bands, Toad the Wet Sprocket. On their album Fear (1991) the track "Butterflies" [listen to sample on Pandora] includes a refrain that starts, "In time, I will collect the world..."

    As I've been studying the intricacies of cataloging, and thinking about cataloging electronic resources in particular, like streaming media and Web sites, I keep hearing this song. Maybe we're not collecting the world so much as the pointers to the world, the abstract representations (in highly structured form) to objects like books or sheet music or maps or LCD projectors or digital artifacts.

    In Catalog It! Kaplan and Riedling provide a handy flow chart for the structure of the 245 Tag (p. 104) and a list of General Material Designations (GMD) (p. 105). Here is where we do our Naming, providing the title of the work and the statement of responsibility, with twelve valid subfields to account for non-print-book materials, subtitles, authors, illustrators, and so on. I'm grateful that my library automation program doesn't require me to enter every detail for MAchine Readable Cataloging... it would take so much longer than it already does to add materials to the system. Still, it's been useful to learn to parse fields I hadn't had to pay much attention to before now.

    What I'd like to learn well enough to explain is the way MARC21 or MARC generally can leverage Web 3.0 or the Semantic Web -- or how the "SemWeb" can leverage MARC. Allan Cho, a librarian at the University of British Columbia, wrote an article last June called How RDF Can Use MARC in the Semantic Web World: Using Existing Library Cataloguing Methods in Organizing the Web. To quote Wikipedia,
    The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model. It has come to be used as a general method for conceptual description or modeling of information that is implemented in web resources, using a variety of syntax formats.
    Talis is one noteworthy organization exploring the representation of MARC21 records as RDF for the semantic web. [pdf] The latest blog post of their "Library 2.0 Gang" talks about new models for bibliographic record supply. And ResourceShelf reports that at last week's British Columbia Library Association Congress presenters discussed working with e-book metadata and compared examples of cataloging using AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition) with RDA (Resource Description & Access), showing how records would be coded in MARC 21.

    It's an exciting time to be serving as a librarian and studying librarianship. And it will be interesting to see how library catalogs and semantic webs emerge, like chrysalides becoming butterflies.

    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    The Metajoy of Metadata

    This week the Library of Congress, Twitter, and Google made digital archiving history, as described by Wired's Ryan Singel in the Epicenter blog post Library of Congress Archives Twitter History, While Google Searches It | Epicenter | It makes me wonder: how will the LOC tag and catalog Tweets? Here are the perspectives of the different parties: the blog post by the LOC's tweeter Matt Raymond making the announcement, How Tweet It Is!... and the Twitter Blog post, Tweet Preservation. Google's blog describes their new Twitter search capabilities in Google Replay. The Library's Matt Raymond explains
    We also operate the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program, which is pursuing a national strategy to collect, preserve and make available significant digital content, especially information that is created in digital form only, for current and future generations.
    This particular cataloging problem -- elements of the public Twitter timeline as digital content -- didn't exist five years ago when Allison Kaplan and Ann Riedling released the 2nd ed. of Catalog It! through Linworth Publishing.
    Although I've been writing much more this week on internal discussion boards with classmates than I have been publishing here, I welcome the chance to explore a cataloging conversation with a wider community of librarians, cybrarians, folksonomists and anyone else interested. This text has been fascinating reading, and the exercises illustrative. I appreciate that the authors presciently point readers to FRBR, and articulate (p. 11) that "The future of cataloging is focused on the organization of metadata." As I've alluded to in internal discussions, it's not clear that I can add record data for "the dog books on Mrs. Smith's reading list" (p. 13) because of the nature of our shared network catalog. Kaplan and Riedling make clear (pp. 140f) that the MARC 590 Local Notes tag won't help in this case because it won't be indexed in the system and so won't be searchable by my students, but I may be able to use Tag 526. I'll update the post or blog when I discover from network cataloging staff if Tag 526 is indexed by our SirsiDynix system.

    I'm still coming to understand MARC records in the broader context of standardized metadata. In describing its "Metadata for Digital Content" group working to meet the challenge of remediating metadata the LOC site explains
    The MDC group members include catalogers, programmers and digital project managers, and represent different service units of the Library concerned with digital content. All are united by the common need for more effective descriptive metadata, which is of increasing importance for the burgeoning amounts of new digital material added to the Library’s website every day. In studying the question of "what are users looking for, and can they find it?," the group determined that the overall quality of the online bibliographic records plays a big part in success or failure. So, how can the records be structured to help users discover relevant resources when they search?  ...
    The group has made considerable progress through the creation of a master list of standardized metadata elements used to map existing digital collection records to a single XML metadata scheme. The XML metadata uses the Metadata Object Description Schema.
     This official MODS website further explains that
    As an XML schema it is intended to be able to carry selected data from existing MARC 21 records as well as to enable the creation of original resource description records. It includes a subset of MARC fields and uses language-based tags rather than numeric ones, in some cases regrouping elements from the MARC 21 bibliographic format.
    MODS does have limitations, including some that seem significant to me:
    MODS includes a subset of data from the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. As an element set that allows for the representation of data already in MARC-based systems, it is intended to allow for the conversion of core fields while some specific data may be dropped. As an element set for original resource description, it allows for a simple record to be created in some cases using more general tags than those available in the MARC record.

    However, the schema does not target round-tripability with MARC 21. In other words, an original MARC 21 record converted to MODS may not convert back to MARC 21 in its entirety without some loss of specificity in tagging or loss of data. In some cases if reconverted into MARC 21, the data may not be placed in exactly the same field that it started in because a MARC field may have been mapped to a more general one in MODS. However the data itself will not be lost, only the detailed identification of the type of element it represents. In other cases the element in MARC may not have an equivalent element in MODS and then the specific data could be lost when converting to MODS.
    This discussion is not as hypothetical as it may sound, as we are working in our library this year to add records of our streaming media to our catalog to make them easier for teachers and students to find. Many of our ebooks are also included in our online catalog.

    025.431 : The Dewey Blog is one of my favorite blogs, and I learn something from every post, even while it reminds me that I'm not a professional cataloger. I've found that the OCLC's experimental Classify service has significantly increased my confidence with assigning Dewey numbers, especially when it reinforces my hunches or suggests another level of precision that makes sense to me. [Melvil Dewey photo (in his younger, happier years?) retrieved from 4/18/2010]

    Monday, April 12, 2010

    Browse an internet safety bibliography through Delicious tagging ; overview lessons

    I've organized a bibliographic tour on Internet safety using the Beta Browse feature on Delicious. Let me know how it works for you! My presentation on these topics fits within the context of proposed lessons on digital citizenship, digital footprint, and Internet safety currently in development in partnership with our Guidance department. For the overview see the CyberSafety page on my professional resources PBworks wiki, ed2oh.

    Sunday, April 11, 2010

    Internet Safety video worth sharing

    From RECfilms YouTube channel, with credit given to Frank Musto, art teacher and lead computer tech. at Commack High School, New York. For me watching this is like the horror film where one yells to the protagonist to "look out!"

    Thanks to Jeannie for sharing the link!

    YouTube - Internet Safety

    YouTube - Internet Safety

    Internet Safety and Doug Johnson's descriptors for Tomorrow's Libraries

    Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog post last month contrasting 12 differences between the school libraries of the past and those of the future reminded me most of all of our work from the first week of LBS 850 on "Change as a Constant In School Libraries". His second couplet seems apropos to this week's work on Internet safety:
    Yesterday's libraries were all about getting information.
    Tomorrow's libraries will be all about creating and sharing information.
    He also talks about tomorrow's libraries as "all about online services, digital resources... teaching how to evaluate and use information... helping users organize information in ways that make sense to them... [and] being intellectual property counselors." All of these services and roles relate to how professional librarians can help students navigate and learn from the Web.

    Both the full post and the comments are well worth reading!

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    Finding ways to make PD timely and useful

    My experience of professional development as an educator has been mostly positive, with a sense of community built, skills acquired, and time well spent. I aspire to contribute to a growing body of tools and knowledge as I collaborate with other members of my learning community in designing our next round of activities. See also the professional resources page for our virtual learning commons and my professional learning wiki at

    New government resource for internet safety

    In Net Cetera: Chatting With Kids About Being Online, OnGuard Online gives adults practical tips to help kids navigate the online world.
    Net Cetera

    Friday, April 2, 2010

    mitali's fire escape: Anisha Battles For Her School Librarian

    mitali's fire escape: Anisha Battles For Her School Librarian via Kathy Lowe: Great post on Mitali Perkins' blog this week, written by 8th grader Anisha in Cambridge advocating for school librarians like Karen Kosko!

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    Young Learners Need Librarians, Not Just Google -

    Young Learners Need Librarians, Not Just Google -
    From's Intelligent Investing column, by Mark Moran, March 22nd, 2010:
    The ubiquity and ease of Google searches could make kids' minds go soft without the ability to critique or contextualize the answers....A recent report by the Youth and Media Policy Working Group Initiative at Harvard’s Berkman Center stated that "[m]edia literacy skills overlap with safety skills." In addition to learning how to phrase a search query, students need to learn how to protect themselves online, and how to share their work through wikis, videos, and other interactive media. Without a dedicated guide, they end up, in the words of professor Henry Jenkins, as "feral children of the Internet raised by the Web 2.0 wolves."
    Mr. Moran, CEO of Dulcinea Media, makes several other points of interest to learners, teachers, and librarians; these are the points most relevant to my current work.

    Can You Put a Value on Virtual Relationships?

    Can You Put a Value on Virtual Relationships? by Dan Schawbel, March 29, 2010:
    We don’t want to waste our own time, and we do want to meet people who have mutual interests. That’s why there are Ning networks, forums, Facebook fan pages (and groups), LinkedIn groups, and other special interest communities.... research proves that even one active email contact is worth $948 (IBM/MIT, April 2009). In the online world, email contacts are still worth more than any other types of contacts, such as Twitter followers, Facebook friends & fans, LinkedIn contacts, Google Buzz contacts, and blog subscribers. All contacts do have some value, whether they generate revenue for your business, support your job search, or link you to people that can support you in various other ways.

    Sunday, March 28, 2010

    Personal top 5 Web 2.0 tools

    Not necessarily in order, these are my current top five Web 2.0 tools. I didn't think of the social networking sites while preparing this list, so Twitter might reasonably edge out any of these, if only for the fun factor.

    Stumbling around in Second Life

    Another thing I forgot to post last week: I had an adventure creating an avatar in Second Life. Funny they use the analogy of being "born", as I found I had to learn how to walk, talk, and get dressed, among other things.
    My takeaway was that it was a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Maybe in the summer I'll take the time to build my skills in that and other virtual environments. There might be some MMORPG that I'd enjoy learning to play...

    14 Ways K–12 Librarians Can Teach Social Media by Joyce Valenza

    14 Ways K–12 Librarians Can Teach Social Media by Joyce Valenza

    Posted using ShareThis


    My primary experience with eReaders is with the Kindle. I've also used several computers to access and read eBooks, whether with the library OverDrive application, the Follett ebook reader, the Infobase web client or open-source content from Project Gutenberg.

    My father has been very happy with the Kindle he got himself last Christmas, downloading fresh books from best-selling authors the day they're released. I won a first-generation Kindle for my library from our library region last summer as they distributed old tools from their Technology Sandbox. It's been a mixed blessing so far: I've downloaded free content (like that from Project Gutenberg) using the USB cable provided with the unit, but I've also spent an inordinate amount of time trying to set up a payment scheme with Amazon so that we can buy additional content for our students and teachers. While the vendor prefers payment by credit card, that is not an option for the schools, nor is the use of gift cards. I've received permission to use our billing account with an approved purchase order, but I've had difficulty making arrangements with Amazon Corporate services to link the Kindle to the account. That's true in part because they organize relationships by email address, and I am not the primary contact with them for our school district (nor should I be). I've heard from other school librarians that this is less difficult with other platforms, but I haven't given up yet.

    Social Networks in Education

    I forgot to blog about this last week!
    I've been active with social networks (Facebook and LinkedIn and MySpace, oh my!) since my early-twenty-something colleagues at Borders asked if I had a MySpace page ~2005-2006. MySpace was mostly for fun in learning more about those friends and music sites, although I occasionally used it to track an author. I first started using LinkedIn with customers and national sales colleagues around 2007 and have begun using it with colleagues from my school district and other professionals I know. Facebook was primarily a tool to find old friends until I started using it with librarians over the last year or so. I see my involvement with the three sites as a sort of Venn diagram with a very small three-way intersection at the center. I've also tried other business networking sites and Nings and listservs and found I get the most value from the MSLA Yahoo! group and email list.

    Tuesday, March 23, 2010

    Nature by Numbers

    Thanks to @Pathfinder and @vwpbe (Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education) for the retweets -- Mathematics is beautiful! "A movie inspired on numbers, geometry and nature, by Cristóbal Vila. Go to for more info: theory behind, stills, screenshots, tutorials and workshops."

    Monday, March 15, 2010


    Screencast: how to reserve summer reading titles

    Audio and Video about Ancient Rome

    There's a great deal of material online about Ancient Rome. It can be especially useful in preparing to study Shakespeare's tragedy of Julius Caesar. Check out this link for a page of suggested resources and links to further pages of video and audio materials.

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    band vs. label on embedding rights:

    Apropos to a discussion this week on online media, here's an article from NPR about a band opting to leave their label:
    Damian Kulash, singer-songwriter-guitarist with OK Go, talks about the group's split with its label as the result of a label policy that kept a popular video the band made from being embedded on YouTube. OK Go Fights For Its Viral Video : NPR

    Sunday, March 7, 2010

    circle effects on TweetCloud via Dumpr

    Here's a little Web 2.0 to the Nth power: Tweet about emerging technologies, create a TweetCloud, post it to Flickr, play with the image back in Dumpr, upload the product to Flickr, then Blog that result. A little recursive or self-referential, maybe, but a fun way to play with emerging technologies...


    This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

    Thursday, March 4, 2010

    Mimi Ito - Statics: New Media and Its Superpowers: Learning, Post Pokemon

    Mimi Ito - Statics: New Media and Its Superpowers: Learning, Post Pokemon presented before the February 2010 National Association of Independent Schools conference:
    [W]e need to engage with kids’ peer cultures and recreational lives outside of school if we want to tap into the power that today’s networked media offers for learners. And I’m going to suggest that interest-driven learning is the key to unlocking this power. I’m going to walk you through several cases that hint at the ways in which we can do this, and some learning principles that emerge from these cases. But first I want to paint a picture for you about what new media learning looks like in kids’ out of school lives. 

    Facebook | Kathleen Ann Porter | My Top Rated Books

    Facebook | Kathleen Ann Porter | My Top Rated Books --  via LivingSocial Book activity on Facebook

    Monday, March 1, 2010

    "Filter Failure" and a tag diet

    Clay Shirky was one of the first to talk about "filter failure". I'm afraid the complete list of my Delicious tags, at the bottom of this page, makes an effective example. Somehow I want to weed through, to get a folksonomic sense of the most popular, or to find a few sources for tags with whom I can agree.

    Here's Clay at the Web2Expo:

    "Science T&L" by MsPorterAtFHS []

    Here is a sample list of titles -- on teaching and learning science -- which I've gathered and shared using I find the site to be useful not only for comparing cataloging choices to other librarians', but also for finding saved lists by other users which lead me to titles I might not otherwise have found.

    "Science T&L" by MsPorterAtFHS []

    Sunday, February 28, 2010


    My favorite thing about Delicious is the way I use it to trap information about sites I'd like to explore further or catalog in some way. I have a very quick process in place. One might argue that I should be doing more annotating, and I certainly could if I were using it more for teaching than for personal use.

    Here's what I do: with the Delicious Add-On for Firefox, when I star a page to add it to my Firefox bookmarks (one click, inside the address bar) I'm prompted as to whether I'd also like to save the page to Delicious. I probably do so about 85% of the time. One click for 'Yes', and then a chance to add tags. Typically several of my existing tags will match the most popular tags for the page, so I just click on each of those, save and I'm done. If I like I can add an explanation in the notes as to where I found the link or why I'm bookmarking the site; if it hasn't been bookmarked by others I may check if this is indeed the link I want (and not one too deep on the site), and if it is, I'll enter a few summary tags which will suffice and then Save.

    If I'm browsing in Chrome or IE I currently use an Add to Delicious bookmarklet and then proceed as above. I may install a Delicious Extension to Chrome soon.

    I'm looking forward to building units with Diigo with some of my colleagues. For now, Delicious helps me to leave breadcrumbs as I explore the web.

    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    Super-quick research by building CrunchBase widgets.

    I generated this content to embed from CrunchBase in about a minute. It took more time to decide which products or companies to test with than it did to copy and paste the widget code into my blog. And because it's running JavaScript queries, the data should improve with time (I think). How cool is that?

    Friday, February 19, 2010

    Wiki Work

    I love adding content to our FHS Learning Commons wiki and watching it take shape as others build on it. This week the navigation changes on PBworks have thrown me a bit of a curve, and I'm interested to hear what other users think. See yesterday's post on the official PBworks blog, "Navigation Improvements are Live! As an administrator and user of several wikis I find the added tabs and breadcrumbs to be helpful, but I'm concerned it may look too busy for some of our community members (both teachers and students).

    I'm still looking at others' best practices in designing wiki (and website) navigation. What are some of your favorites?

    Thursday, February 11, 2010

    Is this simpler or more complex? and Google Buzz...

    Tonight I got an email from Loic Le Meur of Team Seesmic: "With all the buzz around Google Buzz, I have some exciting news to share! If you add your Google Talk (GTalk) account to and then add Gtalk as a service to Google Buzz, you will instantly update Google Buzz exactly at the same time as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and the 50 social networks supported by It is also much faster than adding Twitter as a service to Google Buzz which can be delayed up to an hour for your updates to show on Buzz. You can then update from any app supporting it (all Seesmic apps very soon), sms, email or.... chat. Very handy." Get step-by-step instructions on Seesmic's blog.

    I'll be trying it out this month. If you see any weirdness in my update streams, comment here or otherwise let me know!

    Sunday, February 7, 2010

    Allow me to elaborate...

    The Common Craft video Blogs in Plain English asks the question, "But really, isn't everything news to someone?" In the long tail of online news, perhaps there are a few people who will read updates from a high school librarian participating in the 21st-Century revolution in education. I can't really say why more than 400 people are following me on Twitter, unless they're just being polite. I'd like to think we're growing our Professional Learning Networks.

    If you'd like to suggest I follow your blog or follow your Twitter activity, please leave me a comment here. Thanks for your attention.

    Thursday, February 4, 2010