Wednesday, October 6, 2010 – The personal blog of Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » Power of 10 Interface


    tags: learning ideas acceleration ux interface hci

    • Next-Generation Learning

      As most good journalists and storytellers have learned, the basic components of every story deals with six elements – who, what, when, where, why, and how.

    • Schools will no longer focus on the factual information but on the indirect aspects like relational elements, pattern analysis, value statements, opinions, and basic questions like “why” and “how.”
      • Here are some examples of questions that are not easily answered with a 10-second interface:

        • Explain the context within which those comments were made?
        • How do animal behaviors vary from species to species?
        • Was their underlying motivation behind that change detrimental to their cause?
        • How did that kind of thinking relate to what other cultures were going through?
        • Why do you think that happened?
        • Based on your understanding of the situation, was that a good move?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.